1.Race conditon:A flaw or error in electronics where output is dependent on sequence of timing of other events.
2. ECL-Emitter Control Logic is the fastest of all logic families.
3. The difference between structure and union is that data in structure is stored in consecutive memory locations whereas in union, it is stored in same location or common storage.
4. Lazy evaluation:It is also called as call by need which delays the evaluation of a expression until its value is actually required.
5. Eager evaluation: It is also called as strict evaluation which is used on most languages.
6. Horn clause: A clause with atmost one positive literal. Also called as definite clause.
7. Stages of compilation: 1.Lexical analyser(scanner)
2.Syntactic analyser(parser)
3.semantic analyser(type check)
4. intermediate code generator
5. code optimization
6. code generation
8. Action table: It is also called as parse table.
it helps to determine what has to be done next by the parser.
9. Dot pitch:The space between a pixel.
10. Interlacing:It is a mechanism to adjust lower refresh rate.
11. Top down parsers also called as recursive descent parsers and bottom up parsers are called as shift reduce parsers.
12. Phosphorence: The light emitted by an excited crystal lattice.
13. Critical fusion frequency:The lowest refresh rate at which flickering disappears. It depends upon persistence, intensity, lighting, phospor color and observer.
14. Huffman codes: These codes are used for lose less data compression.
15. Syndrome decoding: It is used to decode a linear code over a noisy channel. It is also called as minimum distance decoding.
example:hamming code.
All the Best.
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