1.Data dictionary:It gives detailed information about different data types and data structures.
2. Concurrency control: The ability of the database to control the updation of database by several users at the same time.
3. Routers:It acts in network layer of OSI architecture. They are protocol dependent and forward data packets from one LAN to another LAN. They are the backbone of networking.
4. Internal searching: It is the process of searching which is applied when the records are available entirely in main memory.
5. In asynchronous transmission, start bit and stop bits are used for low speed transfer of data.
6. Cyclic redundancy check:A mechanism used in synchronous data trasfer for error detection.
7. Isosynchronous:It is a combination of synchronous and asynchronous communication.
8. Spoofing:A technique used to create fake responses to keep a session active and prevent timeouts.
9. Stages in capability maturity model:
- Initial
- Repeatable
- Defined
- Managed
- Optimised
10. Means and ends analysis: It aims to reduce the gap between current state and goal state.
11. cost of minimum spanning tree with n nodes=n^2-n+1
12. A latch in DLF can be created using two nand gates or two nor gates. they have no clock signal. asynchronous in nature.
13. self complementing codes: 2421, 4221, excess 3 code
14. Asynchronous data flow is controlled by handshaking protocol.
15. Djikstra bankers algorithm:It is used to solve deadlock avoidance problem.
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