Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Welcome Back Friends.

I am back with an important article on how to SUCCEED IN INTERVIEWS. In today's competitive world, one should be able to communicate well which is the mantra of success. However talented a person may be, if he is not able to communicate his views to others properly then his entire career will be in vain. Almost all forms of recruitment be it private sector or public sector jobs demand effective form of communication from the prospective candidate by conducting interview. 

So Now the time is right to grasp and master some of the most potential points on how to be victorious in interviews. Otherwise,

Life will be like the Tamil film dialogue.
"If you don't get what you aim for, then accept what you get" (Just a translation of the tamil dialogue).

So Here is the deal for your victory.

* Dress code is very important.(Wear light colored clothes and more importantly wear only those clothes that best fits you).

* Be on time for Interview.

Explanation: Being punctual is a virtue that helps one to feel more confident and perform well every time. If the interview is at 10.00 A.M. then the candidate is supposed to reach the interview spot @ 9.30 itself. Even if there is any filling up of application forms at the place of interview then it can be done easily and without and hurry.

* Before entering the interview room, seek permission of the interviewers.(Example: May I come in)

* Wait at the door till you get the permission.

* After getting into the room, wish the interviewers.

Important note: If the interview board has a woman interviewer then wish her first and then wish the male interviewers,which is a frequently followed technique.

* Keep standing till you are asked to sit.

* Trust Yourself.

Explanation: Be confident. Think positively. Believe that you can do it. Interviewers even test your positive frame of mind.

* Listen to the question properly.

Explanation: First and foremost Listen to the interviewers question well and wait till the question is completed. then think for a second or two and start replying.

* Be natural

Explanation: Don't try to speak in a flowery or modulated language. Speak slowly and steadily and in a neutral accent. Never ever try to speak fast. If you speak fast, First thing interviewer will not understand what you re saying and secondly you will suddenly run out of words and then you will start to think and finally you will have to remain silent and that will create a bad impression about you. Be careful.

* Have eye-eye contact.

Explanation: When you speak, look into the eyes of the interviewer so that the borad will feel that you really deserve the job.

* Don't loose your cool.

Explanation: Many times interviewers tend to test the candidates psychology. To test it, they may ask two three questions spontaneously. Sometimes they will try to ask some unexpected question. In these situations, Be patient and and tackle the situation with brave heart.

* Say 'I Don't know' in case you don't know the answer.

Explanation: it is very natural that you cannot answer all the questions in the interview. If you find any question not known to you, Say 'I don't know' rather than saying wrong information that will create a bad impression about you and that will impact on your marks. 

* Say thank you after the interview is over.

Note: These tips are basic and if you follow them well, You have greater chances of succeeding in interviews with flying colours.

All the best to everyone.

Comments are most welcome.

Recommend to your friends.


  1. These interview Tips are really effective.

  2. Thanks bro. Keep visiting the blog for more interesting updates.
