Sunday, 9 August 2015



21. In which routing method do all routers have a common database?
(a) distance vector
(b) link state
(c) link vector
(d) Dijkestra’s method
Ans.: b

22. The 8-bit encoding format used to store data in a computer is ______ .
(c) ANCI
Ans.: b

23. Which memory device is generally made of semi-conductors ?
(a) RAM
(b) Hard-disk
 (c) Floppy disk
 (d) Cd disk
Ans.: a

24. The shell command cat xy>x
(a) Doesn’t work
(b) Replaces the contents of the file x, by the content of file xy.
(c) Displays an error message
(d) None of the above
Ans.: b

25. The shell command ls –a
(a) Displays the list of files along with their attributes.
(b) Displays the list of the files along with the hidden files.
(c) Displays the list of the files starting with a.
(d) None of the above.
Ans.: b

26. The LR parsing is done by
(a) Right most derivation
(b) Right most derivation in reverse order
(c) Left most derivation
 (d) Left most derivation in reverse order.
Ans.: b

27. A URL specifies the following:
(i) protocol used
(ii) domain name of server hosting web page
(iii) name of folder with required information
(iv) name of document formatted using HTML
(v) the name of ISP
(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) ii, iii, iv, v
(c) i, iii, iv
(d) i, ii, iii, v
Ans.: d

28. By Electronic Commerce we mean:
(a) Commerce of electronic goods
(b) Commerce which depends on electronics
(c) Commerce which is based on the use of internet
(d) Commerce which is based on transactions using computers connected by telecommunication network
Ans.: d

29. For carrying out B2B e-Commerce the following infrastructure is essential:
(i) World Wide Web
(ii) Corporate network
(iii) Electronic Data Interchange standards
(iv) Secure Payment Services
(v)Secure electronic communication link connecting businesses
(a) i, ii, iii
(b) ii, iii, iv
(c) ii, iii, iv, v
(d) i, ii, iii, iv, v
Ans.: c

30. For carrying out B2C e-Commerce the following infrastructure is essential
(i) World Wide Web
(ii) Corporate network
(iii) Electronic Data Interchange standards
(iv) Secure Payment Services
(v) Secure electronic communication link connecting businesses
(a) i, iv
(b) i, iii, iv
(c) ii, iii
(d) i, ii, iii, iv
Ans.: a

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31. EDI requires
(a) representation of common business documents in computer readable forms
(b) data entry operators by receivers
(c) special value added networks
(d) special hardware at co-operating Business premises
Ans.: a

32. EDI standards are
(a) not universally available
(b) essential for B2B commerce
(c) not required for B2B commerce
(d) still being evolved
Ans.: b

33. Which level of locking provide the highest degree of concurrency in a relational database?
(a) page (b) table (c) row
(d) page, table and row level locking allow the same degree of concurrency.
Ans.: c

34. Amongst the ACID properties of a transaction, the ‘Durability’ property requires that the changes made to the
database by a successful tranaction persist
(a) Except in case of an operating system crash
(b) Except in case of a Disk crash
(c) Except in case of a power failure
(d) Always, even if there is a failure of any kind
Ans.: d

35. Which of thefollowing statement is correct
(I) Entropy is the measure of average information.
(II) Entropy is maximum when the symbols are equiprobable
(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) Both I, II
(d) none of the above
Ans.: c

36. Which of the following is a blind search
(a) Minimax Search
(b) AO * Search
(d) Best First Search
(d) Uniform Cost Search
Ans.: d

37. Z-buffer algorithm is used for
(a) Frame buffer removal
(b) hidden surface removal
(c) rendering
(d) animation
Ans.: b

38. An example of dictionary based coding technique is:
(a) Huffmann coding
(b) Run-length coding
(c) LZW coding
(d) Predictive coding.
Ans.: c

39. In worst case Alpha-Beta pruning
(a) Still performs better than MiniMax strategy
(b) Performs worse than MiniMax strategy
(c) Performance remains same even in worse case
(d) Performs same as MiniMax strategy.
Ans.: d

40. Unix operating system is based on
(a) Language structure
 (b) Kernel approach
(c) Virtual machine
(d) Time sharing
Ans.: b

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