Saturday, 28 September 2013


                                  DISCRETE STRUCTURES SOLVED MCQS

1. The technique of automation with a stack as an auxiliary storage is called as
Pushdown Automata

2. Context Free Grammar(CFG) is
A language generator

3. A graph is a collection of 
Vertices and edges
4. A graph with no edges is called as
Empty graph or Trivial graph

5. A graph 'G', which is a connected acyclic graph is called as
Note: A tree has no cycles

6. A tree having a main node, which has no predecessor is called as
Rooted tree

7. All the vertices of a walk except the first and last vertices is called as
Internal vertices

8. In a tree, between every pair of vertices there is 
Exactly one path

9. Transitive and Irreflexive property imply
T and I = A

10. A graph 'g' is said to be Eulerian Graph if 
All vertices of graph 'g' is of even degree.

Tip: Eulerian graph=even degree

11. Context free languages are closed under
Union,keene closure

12. A bag contains 10 white balls and 15 black balls. Two balls are drawn in succession. Find out the probability that one is black and other is white.

Explantation:Total probability =(10+15)=25
So we have to take two balls from 25 balls, i.e., 25C2=300
Probability of choosing one white ball =10C1=10
probability of choosing one black ball=15C1=15
Therefore, Probability of getting one black ball and one white ball is

13. The collection of all subsets of a set is called as
Power set

14. A language is said to be regular only if it is accepted by a 
Finite automata

15. The intersection of a CFL and regular language is always
Regular and Context free.

16. The major difference between Moore machine and Mealy machine is
In Moore machine, the output depends only on the PRESENT state.

17. The recoginising capability of Non deterministic finite automata (NDFA) and deterministic finite automata (DFA)should be 

18. One of the limitation of Finite state automata (FSM) is that
It cannot remember arbitrary large amount of data.

19. A Finite state automata can be called as Turing machine (TM) because of.
Finite tape length, without rewinding capability, unidirectional tape movement.

20. A Turing Machine (TM) is more powerful than Finite State Automata (FSM) because
It has the capability to remember arbitrary long sequences of input symbols.

Wishing you "All The Best for UGC NET December 2013.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely Explained.. Thanks Mate...!!
    You must be knowing that in new pattern, All the electives subjects are to be prepared because of objective pattern. So do you have some advice on that? specially for Information Theory and Coding (As I am finding it very difficult)?
