Sunday, 7 July 2013


                                  NETWORKING SOLVED QUESTION AND ANSWERS

1. What are the types of transmission technology and transmission media?

Ans.: Transmission technolgies- Broadcast  and Point to Point
Transmission media- Guided(Wired) and Unguided(Unwired) media.

2. What are the ways in which data can be exchanged?

Ans.: Simplex-Data can flow in one direction only.
Half-Duplex- Data can flow in both direction but in one direction at a time.
Full Duplex- Data can flow in both diretion at the same time.

3. What is the difference between baseband signal and broadband signal?

Ans.: Baseband signal-The entire bandwidth of the cable is consumed by a single signal.
Broadband signal-The bandwidth is utilised by multiple frequencies, allowing multiple signals to be sent at the simaltaeously.

4. Toplogies of network.
Ans.: Bus Topology: Each computer is directly connected to a network cable on a single line.
Star topology: All computers connected to a central hub.
Ring topology: All computers are connected in a loop.

5. What is mesh network

Ans.: A network in which there are multiple network links between computers to provide multiple ways for data to travel is called as a mesh network.

6. What is the difference between a a router and gateway

Ans.: Gateway: A gateway generally operates at the top levels of OSI architecture.
It is used to translate information between two completely different network architectures.

Routers: Routers have access only up to network layer and particularly used to connect different Local Area Networks(LANS).

7. What is a brouter?

Ans.: Brouter= BRIDGES+ ROUTERS.

8. In networking, what is meant by RAID method?

Ans.: RAID= It is a method that is used to provide fault tolerance using multiple hard disk drives.

9. Application of Logical Link Control layer(LLC)

Ans.: It is a sub layer of Data link layer of OSI model of IEEE 802 standard.
The LLC is used to maintain link between computers while sending data through physcial network.

10. What is multicasting?

Ans.: Sending a message to a group is called as multicasting.

11. What is meant by kerberos?

Ans.: It is an authentication service technology developed by Masachussets Institute of Technology(MIT) that uses enryption techniques to prevent intruders from finding passwords and gain unauthorized access to files.

12. When does a anonymous FTP is used?

Ans.: An Anonymous FTP is used to connect a host without using a valid login and passsword.

13. What is beaconing?

Ans.: Beaconing is a technique used by token-ring/FDDI network to self repair itself.

14. What is baud rate?

Ans.: Baud Rate means number of signals transferred per second

Baud rate= bit rate/N

15. What is the use of Bridges and routers.

Ans.: Bridges: They work on Physical and Data link layers of LANS of same type.
Routers: They help to relay packets among interconnected multiple network(LANS of different type).

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  1. Nice blog Tanveer. Gives extra and additional information.

  2. Thanks Hafiz.

    Keep visiting the blog for more interesting stuff.

  3. Thanks Teladan.
    Stay in touch with this blog for more exciting posts.

  4. What is the use of Bridges and routers.
    Ans.: Bridges: They work on Physical and Data link layers of LANS of same type.
    Routers: They help to relay packets among interconnected multiple network(LANS of different type).

    Can you specify on which layers bridge works?

  5. Bridges work on Data link layer
