Friday, 7 June 2013

Important Computer Science MCQS for UGC NET 2013

Important questions for UGC NET Computer Science 2013

Hi Friends!
The exam UGC NET Computer Science June 2013 is not far away.
So I have planned to post some vital question and answers to steer up your preparation.

1. The graphical representation of a transition of finite automata is 
Ans.: State Diagram 

2. The logic family used for high speed operations is
Ans.: ECL(Emitter Control Logic)

3. A variable that holds the memory address of another object is
Ans.: Pointer

4. In C++, dyanamic memory allocation is done by
Ans.: new operator

5. The major goal of inheritance is
Ans.: extend the capabilities of a class

6. A top to bottom relationship in a database schema is established
Ans.: Hierarchical schema

7. A relationship is association between 
Ans.: Entities

8. In OSI architecture, dialogue control and token management done by
Ans.: Session layer

9. To deliver a message to the correct application program running on a host, which is to be consulted?
Ans.: Port address

10.Maximum data capacity of optical fibre cable is
Ans.: 1000mbps

11. Central hub or central controller is required by
Ans.: Star toplogy

12. Relocation of externally defined symbols is performed by
Ans.: Linker

13. Predictive parsers can be
Ans.: Recursive and constructive

14. The memory allocation scheme that suffers from external fragmentation is
Ans.: Segmentation

15. The most popular method to estimate and measure size of software is
Ans. Functional point analysis

16. An element that can be added or removed in a data structure at either end but not in the middle is
Ans.: Deque

17. The value of first linked list is
Ans.: 0

18. Code optimization is designed to improve
Ans.: Intermediate Code

19. Which is required to achieve correct results across the system
Ans.: Consistency

20. The requirement of a software system is well well defined and agreed to by all is
Ans.: Rapid application development model

21. A smart card has
Ans.: Three keys- Fabrication, personalization, utilization

22. Extraction and storing of data in warehouse and its applications is
Ans.: Load manager

23. Dynamic RAM consumes Less power and slower than static RAM.

24. A complete schema can be defined by
Ans.: DDL (Data Definition Language) and DML(Data Manipulation Language)

25. A table joined with itself is
Ans.: Self join

26. An important aspect of coding is 
Ans.: Readability.

27. The difference between original and reconstruction during compression is called as
Ans.: Disortion

Best Wishes.

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